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Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Poly Sand Disasters: A Guide On What NOT To Do

According to our Technical Support Team, the number one mistake made during a G2 Polymeric Sand installation is improper watering. In this post, we’re diving into the topics of overwatering, under-watering, drainage, and other moisture-related failures on job sites. Learn about the most common mistakes we see in the field and how to avoid them.

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Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Swipe Right! What Joint Material Is Your Best Match?

ASTM C144 / C33 sand. Aqua Rock. Joint stabilizing sealers. Polymeric sand. Gator Nitro. Ok, let’s face it … there are a lot of joint material options out there and each one offers a unique set of potential benefits for a hardscape project. In this post, we’re going to outline the factors you should consider when trying to decide which product to use on a job.

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Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

10 Things To Know Before Installing Gator Nitro

Gator Nitro is an air-cured resin-based jointing material that can offer a number of benefits to a hardscape installation: it provides top-to-bottom strength within the paver joint, it can be installed rain or shine, and it’s permeable when installed. In this post, we’re going to highlight 10 important things you should know prior to installing Gator Nitro on your project.

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Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Joint Material, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Gator Nitro Contractor Q&A

Gator Nitro is not meant to replace polymeric sand. It offers a unique set of benefits, however, that might make it a more suitable choice for particular projects. In this post, we’re going to answer the most commonly asked questions we receive from contractors about this product.

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Joint Material, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Joint Material, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Why Your Polymeric Sand Did Not Harden

“I recently installed polymeric sand on a patio. It looks great, but if you press on it with your finger, it feels soft.” This is real life feedback we received from a contractor. In fact, we hear this often, and there are a few reasons why your polymeric sand might not be setting up properly. In this blog post, we’ll explain what they are.

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