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Sealer, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Sealer, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Solvent-based vs. Water-based Sealers

Knowing a few simple facts about solvent-based vs. water-based sealers can make all the difference when it comes to choosing the right sealer for the job. In this post, we’ll cover what you need to know about these two sealer varieties and the considerations you should take prior to applying them.

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Sealer, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Sealer, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Important Things To Discuss With Your Sealing Clients

The first step in every sealing job is understanding your client’s needs and wants. It’s then your responsibility to choose the best products for the project. If the client’s expectations are unattainable, it’s your job to give them the reasons why and suggest other viable solutions. In this post, we’ll highlight the most important topics to discuss with your client prior to kicking off a paver sealing project.

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Base, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Base, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Pros And Cons Of Hybrid Base

Hybrid installations have quickly gained popularity. While they offer numerous benefits, they don’t fit every job. In this post, we’ll outline the pros and cons of this installation method to shine some light on the best scenarios for using it.

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Joint Material, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti Joint Material, Pro Tips, -ALL- Jamie Tomassetti

Why Your Polymeric Sand Did Not Harden

“I recently installed polymeric sand on a patio. It looks great, but if you press on it with your finger, it feels soft.” This is real life feedback we received from a contractor. In fact, we hear this often, and there are a few reasons why your polymeric sand might not be setting up properly. In this blog post, we’ll explain what they are.

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