Important Things To Discuss With Your Sealing Clients

The first step in every sealing job is understanding your client’s needs and wants. It’s then your responsibility to choose the best products for the project. If the client’s expectations are unattainable, it’s your job to give them the reasons why and suggest other viable solutions. In this post, we’ll highlight the most important topics to discuss with your client prior to kicking off a paver sealing project.

Two Men Walking Down Paved Path

The End Result

If your client is looking for gloss or color enhancement, you should always present a sealed sample so they have a visual of what the end result might look like. You’ll also want to discuss if and how sealing will impact slip resistance. Once they decide, it’s a good practice to have them sign and date the back of their desired sample with a Sharpie.

Project Expectations

Briefly walk your client through the steps of the sealing process so they know what to expect on the job site. Explain the general steps you’ll be taking and clarify the length of time the surface will be inaccessible for.

Weather Implications

The weather plays an important role in the successful outcome of a sealer project. Let your client know what the optimal conditions need to be in order for you to complete the project and that rain or extreme temperatures may move the date.


If you’re in the business of cleaning and sealing, it’s imperative to have a formalized quoting process. When you present an itemized and well-thought quote to your client, it will significantly boost their confidence in you and your process.


Explain to your client on how often they should reseal the surface in order to keep it protected and looking sharp. Depending on the level of traffic it gets, the timeframes may vary so be sure to have an idea of average usage. Also discuss the importance of routine cleaning, and cross-sell these services!


When discussing a future sealing project with a client, be sure to touch upon these important points:

  1. If a gloss or color enhancing sealer is used, it can drastically change the look of the surface. Be sure to present a sealed sample the client can sign off on.

  2. Briefly explain the steps of the sealing process and set proper expectations and timelines for completion. You should also give the client an idea of how long the surface might be inaccessible for.

  3. If the weather is uncooperative, you’ll have to adjust your project plans accordingly. Make sure the client understands this up front.

  4. Use a clear and well-thought quoting process so the client understands the costs involved.

  5. Discuss a future maintenance plan. A surface that receives heavy traffic will need to be cleaned and resealed more often. Get a sense of how the client uses the surface and cross-sell your cleaning and maintenance services.


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